Established in 1947: UNM School of Law was founded in 1947 and has since become a leading law school in the region.
Accreditation: The law school is accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA) and is a member of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS).
Juris Doctor (JD) Program: UNM Law offers a Juris Doctor program, preparing students for the practice of law through a comprehensive curriculum.
Dual Degree Programs: The law school provides opportunities for dual-degree programs, allowing students to combine legal studies with other disciplines such as business, public administration, and Native American Studies.
Clinics and Externships: UNM Law offers various legal clinics and externship programs, providing students with practical experience and the opportunity to serve the community.
Research Centers: The law school is home to several research centers, including the Natural Resources and Environmental Law Program, Indian Law Program, and the Center for Legal Education.
Pro Bono Opportunities: UNM Law encourages pro bono work, and students often engage in community service and legal aid projects.
Diverse Student Body: The law school has a diverse student body, attracting individuals from different backgrounds and fostering an inclusive learning environment.
Native American Law: UNM Law is renowned for its focus on Native American Law, offering specialized courses and programs in this field.
Advocacy Programs: UNM Law has strong advocacy programs, including moot court and trial advocacy, providing students with opportunities to develop and showcase their legal skills.